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Showing posts from June, 2019

Maths Cafe and telling the time

The Tigers and the Rising 5s enjoyed more number fun this week during the maths cafe on Tuesday morning. After listening to the story of Spinderella we were set different challenges to work out how many football boots were needed for teams of different animals. We made excellent use of various resources to help us solve the problems including counters, cubes and dienes.  On Wednesday the Tigers were learning all about telling the time. We learnt about how many minutes are in an hour and how many hours are in a day. The children made their own clocks with moving hands, which needed super scissor control, and also rolled play dough to make hands for the laminated clock faces. 

Magical Maths

The Tigers have had a fabulous week learning about number bonds to 10, they worked together as a team completing a numicon number line representing their findings! The children were then able to solve number problems with the mats using this knowledge :)  The Rising 5’s have also spent time working together as a team completing a number line using the giant numicon outside. They then had great fun going on a scavenger hunt around the field, searching for items to match their number numicon. The children with smaller valued numbers took great delight in helping their friends find things for the larger numbers! One Cub even said, “I love days like this when we work together as a team!” :)